entertainment tech, AI news, Lumalogic
May 9, 2024

Key 2024 Trends in the Entertainment Industry and Technology

The entertainment industry is at a pivotal crossroads, with economic pressures reshaping movie theaters, festivals, and how viewers engage with television programs and web television due to inflation impacting consumer spending and streaming services [1]. Simultaneously, the rise of immersive experiences through augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) is revolutionizing storytelling and show business, pointing towards a digitally-rich future in entertainment [1].

As the industry evolves, the marriage of social media with conventional entertainment platforms promises to redefine audience engagement, making it a pivotal channel for content distribution and fan interaction [3]. Furthermore, the integration of artificial intelligence and data analytics is set to enhance content creation and provide immersive storytelling techniques, marking a milestone in how stories are told and consumed in the digital era [3].

AI's Ascendance in Creative Industries

AI-Driven Innovation in Creative Industries

AI in Content Creation and Distribution

  1. Media companies are increasingly adopting AI to enhance operational efficiencies and automate processes, significantly impacting content creation, distribution, and monetization [5][6].
  2. AI-generated metadata and advanced language models streamline content discovery and improve user experiences, allowing for highly personalized content that resonates with diverse audiences [5].
  3. The use of Generative AI tools, like Midjourney and Runway, is reshaping the creative landscape, offering new ways to create and distribute content [4].

AI's Role in Enhancing User Engagement

  1. AI technologies enable personalized user experiences through sophisticated algorithms, maximizing the effectiveness of advertising strategies and boosting viewer engagement [5].
  2. AI-powered tools are integral in video production, automating tasks such as background removal and color correction, which enhances the overall quality and speed of production [4].
  3. The integration of AI in scriptwriting and story development introduces new dimensions to storytelling, with AI suggesting innovative plot twists and character developments [4].

Transformative Impact on Marketing and Advertising

  1. AI is revolutionizing marketing strategies within the entertainment industry by creating highly targeted and personalized campaigns, optimizing ad placements, and predicting customer needs [10].
  2. In advertising agencies, AI tools facilitate rapid prototyping and enhance creative processes, leading to significant time and cost efficiencies [4][10].

Future Prospects and Challenges

  1. Looking ahead, AI is expected to play a crucial role in 2024, particularly in personalizing content suggestions and enhancing interactive advertising, while also addressing emerging challenges like cybersecurity threats [12].
  2. The rise of deepfakes and other AI-generated content poses new challenges for content service providers, necessitating a balanced approach of technological innovation and regulatory measures [12].

By leveraging AI, the creative industries are not only enhancing their current operations but are also setting the stage for future innovations that could redefine the landscape of entertainment and media.

Immersive Experiences and Mixed Reality

Hybrid Events and Esports Surge

  1. Hybrid Events: Combining in-person and digital elements, these events incorporate Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and live streaming to create comprehensive experiences [19].
  2. Esports Growth: Driven by advancements in cloud and mobile gaming, esports events are becoming increasingly popular, offering immersive interactions for participants and viewers alike [19].

Social Video and Generative AI in Live Entertainment

  • Social Video Platforms: Platforms like TikTok are transforming live entertainment, emphasizing user-generated content and real-time social media integration [19].
  • Generative AI: AI tools such as ChatGPT are influencing live entertainment by enhancing content creation and personalization [19].

Leading Examples of Immersive Technologies

  • Innovative Attractions: Attractions like Mission Ferrari at Ferrari World and One Epic Ocean at SeaWorld Abu Dhabi utilize AI, AR, VR, and more to deliver immersive experiences [13].
  • Holographic Shows: Shows like ABBA Voyage in London leverage hologram technology to offer new forms of entertainment [13].

The Future of Immersive Technologies in Entertainment

  • Trends for 2024: Immersive technologies, including holograms and advanced AR/VR setups, are set to dominate the entertainment landscape [13].
  • Gamification and Interactivity: Places like Universal Studios’ Super Nintendo World are integrating interactive technologies to enhance visitor experiences [13].

Technological Advancements and Market Growth

  • Market Projections: The VR market is expected to reach $62.1 billion by 2027, with AR and MR markets also showing significant growth [20].
  • Technological Developments: Innovations in haptic feedback, lightweight AR glasses, and spatial computing are enhancing the immersive quality of these technologies [15].

The Role of Mixed Reality in Future Technologies

  • Enterprise Adoption: MR technologies are increasingly being adopted by industries for training, remote assistance, and enhanced customer experiences [16].
  • Innovative Devices: Companies like Apple and Meta are at the forefront, developing MR devices that offer unprecedented levels of immersion [16].

These advancements in immersive technologies are not only reshaping entertainment but are also setting a new standard for how interactive experiences are developed and delivered.

The Evolution of Streaming Platforms

Adaptation and Innovation in Streaming Platforms

Growth and Trends in Streaming Viewership

Streaming platforms continue to see significant growth, with viewership increasing by 21% in 2023 following a 24.6% increase in 2022. This surge is attributed to American viewers dedicating a staggering 21 million years collectively to streaming content in the same year [5]. These figures underscore the escalating importance of streaming media in everyday entertainment consumption.

Monetization Strategies in Streaming

Innovative monetization strategies are being adopted to enhance revenue streams beyond traditional advertisements. Ad-supported models, such as Netflix's "Basic With Ads" tier, are gaining traction [5]. Additionally, platforms are exploring content gamification—integrating interactive games, trivia, and polls to incentivize viewership and encourage microtransactions [5].

Personalization and User Engagement

Hyperpersonalization is becoming a cornerstone of streaming services, offering viewers tailored experiences that include personalized recommendations, adaptable interfaces, dynamic content, and user-specific advertising [5]. This strategy not only improves user engagement but also enhances the overall viewer experience, making platforms more attractive and retaining users longer.

Expansion through Sports and Live Content

Streaming platforms are significantly investing in sports, acquiring $6 billion in sports rights in 2023 alone. This investment is not just in mainstream sports but also extends to niche sports, providing opportunities for broader coverage and reaching diverse audiences [5]. Additionally, the integration of cloud-based technologies and automated camera systems is making it cost-effective to monetize these niche sports [5].

Livestream Commerce Integration

Combining live streaming with online shopping, platforms like TikTok Shop, Amazon Live, and TalkShopLive are creating immersive shopping experiences. This trend is rapidly gaining popularity, with U.S. livestream commerce sales surging to $50 billion in 2023. Projections indicate that livestream commerce could account for over 5% of total e-commerce by 2026 [5].

Challenges and Future Directions

Streaming platforms face the challenge of competing with established social media platforms that also offer video content, such as YouTube, Facebook Watch, and TikTok [22]. To maintain viewer engagement, some platforms are adopting strategies like releasing episodes weekly and increasing the production of docuseries [22]. Furthermore, the introduction of non-English original programming and short-form videos tailored for mobile users are emerging trends aimed at capturing a global audience and adapting to changing viewer preferences [22].

These developments highlight the dynamic nature of streaming platforms as they continuously evolve to meet consumer demands and technological advancements, shaping the future landscape of digital entertainment.

Sustainability and Ethical Considerations in Tech-Driven Media

Ethical Challenges and Practices in Technology

Ethical concerns in the technology sector are increasingly prevalent, involving issues such as the misuse of personal information, the spread of misinformation and deepfakes, and the autonomous use of AI technologies [26]. These challenges necessitate a robust ethical framework that respects both employees and customers, ensuring the moral use of data and resources while fostering a culture of responsibility [26].

Regulatory Landscape and AI Innovation

The EU's AI Act is a pioneering framework in global AI regulation, categorizing AI applications by their risk levels and imposing stringent controls on those deemed high-risk [27]. This act reflects a growing trend towards formalized ethics assurance processes in business practices, driven by consumer and employee expectations as well as a shifting policy environment [27].

Sustainability in the Media and Entertainment Industry

The media and entertainment industry is witnessing a significant shift towards sustainability, with global operators striving for carbon footprint neutrality and influencing their entire supply chains [12]. This movement is supported by the adoption of eco-friendly practices at events, emphasizing community engagement and inclusivity [19].

Technology's Role in Sustainable Living

Looking forward to 2024, technology is set to play a crucial role in promoting sustainable living through advancements in smart cities, home automation, renewable energy, and transportation [28]. However, implementing these technologies presents challenges including cost, accessibility, infrastructure needs, and privacy concerns, which must be addressed through inclusive policies and global collaboration [28].

Security and Ethical Implications of Emerging Technologies

As technology evolves, so do the security threats associated with it, such as CDN leeching and the need for advanced anti-piracy solutions that leverage AI and machine learning [12]. Moreover, the entertainment industry must tackle the ethical implications of technologies like deepfakes by implementing effective mitigation techniques [12].


The exploration of 2024 trends in the entertainment industry and technology has unveiled a landscape where artificial intelligence, immersive experiences, and streaming platforms are set to redefine the ways in which content is created, distributed, and consumed. Among these, the rise of AI in creative industries, the burgeoning of immersive technologies in entertainment, and the dynamic evolution of streaming platforms exemplify how digital advancements are not only enhancing operational efficiencies but also enriching user engagement and storytelling. Such transformations promise to propel the entertainment sector into a future where technological innovation and audience interaction intersect in unprecedented ways.

Addressing the challenges and ethical considerations associated with these technological trends is paramount to ensuring a responsible and sustainable evolution of the entertainment industry. As we embrace these innovations, the need for ethical frameworks, regulatory oversight, and a commitment to sustainability becomes increasingly important. Together, these elements will navigate the delicate balance between leveraging cutting-edge technologies and maintaining the trust and well-being of consumers and society at large. By doing so, the entertainment industry can continue to thrive, offering enriching and immersive experiences that captivate audiences worldwide while adhering to ethical standards and fostering a culture of sustainability.


What are the projections for the media sector in 2024?
In 2024, it's anticipated that the media and entertainment industry will continue to face challenges as traditional revenue streams like linear TV and print media decline, while the rise of digital and direct-to-consumer platforms, which are typically less profitable, continues to reshape the industry.

How will the media and entertainment industry evolve in the near future?
The media and entertainment industry is expected to increasingly embrace digital connectivity, integrating various media and entertainment technologies to create more immersive experiences. The use of generative AI is also predicted to become more prevalent, boosting creativity and efficiency in content production.

What are the expected trends for Media & Entertainment (M&E) in 2024?
In 2024, the M&E sector is likely to be significantly influenced by technological advancements. Key trends include the utilization of real-time data analytics, the application of artificial intelligence, and the widespread adoption of mobile technology, all of which are expected to revolutionize the industry.

What is the predicted future for the entertainment industry?
As of 2022, the entertainment and media industries reached a critical turning point. According to PwC's 24th annual Global Entertainment & Media Outlook, the industry is forecasted to evolve under the influence of various factors and is on the path to become a $2.9 trillion market by 2027.

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Key 2024 Trends in the Entertainment Industry and Technology